Growth and Reassurance Baby scans know more about your baby

 Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also bring a whirlwind of emotions, excitement, nervousness, and the natural desire for reassurance. Among the key milestones during pregnancy are ultrasound scans, which provide valuable insights into the baby’s development and offer much-needed peace of mind to expecting parents. Ultrasound scans are a fundamental part of the pregnancy journey. These scans use sound waves to provide build pictures of the foetus which provide valuable information about the baby’s health and development. In the UK, reassurance and growth ultrasound scans are essential tools used to monitor a baby’s progress and address any concerns along the way. 

The NHS offers two ultrasound scans during pregnancy, one between 11-14 weeks and one between 18-21 weeks. However, many parents would like additional ultrasound scans for their own peace of mind. This is why private pregnancy ultrasound scans are so valuable. Additonally, these scan combined with private blood tests can provide even more valuable information about you babay while you wait for your NHS appointments. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what reassurance and growth scans are, why they’re important, and what to expect if you have one during your pregnancy journey in the UK.

What Are Reassurance Scans?

A reassurance scan is an ultrasound performed at any point in pregnancy to check on the baby’s well-being. Unlike the standard NHS scans at 11 and 21 weeks, which are designed to assess the development of the baby and screen for specific conditions, a reassurance scan can be booked privately at any time if parents want some reassurance and want to see their baby.

At Fusion Healthcare reassurance scan allows parents to see their baby and get an accurate description of how many weeks along they are. Additionally, these scans can confirm pregnancy if parents may be unsure. These scans provide pictures too.

What information do reassurance scan provide?

There are many reasons why you might choose to have a reassurance scan, including:

  • Early Pregnancy Concerns: Early in pregnancy, many parents experience anxiety around the baby’s viability, especially if there’s been a history of miscarriage or complications.
  • In-Between Routine Scans: The wait between the NHS-provided scans can feel long. Many parents opt for reassurance scans to bridge the gap and ease anxiety during the waiting periods.
  • Checking Baby’s Well-being: If you’re concerned about your baby’s movements or any changes in your pregnancy, a reassurance scan can help ensure everything is progressing smoothly.
  • How many weeks: This scan can confirm how far along the pregnancy is.
  • Heartbeat Confirmation: Hearing or seeing your baby’s heartbeat in the early stages can provide immense comfort, especially for first-time parents.
  • Pictures: Pictures of the baby are provided

What are growth scans?

A growth scan, also known as a foetal growth scan, is a specific type of ultrasound performed later in to check the baby’s size and growth. The NHS offers growth scans to women who may be at higher risk of growth issues, but they can also be booked privately for additional peace of mind. This scan is typically performed 16 weeks onward to provide better information.

What Does a Growth Scan Measure?

During a growth scan, the sonographer will check several key aspects of your baby’s growth, including:

  • Foetal Size: They’ll measure the baby’s head circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur length. These measurements give a good indication of the baby’s size.
  • The scan allows sonographers to take measurements of the baby’s head, abdomen, femur length, etc
  • Amniotic Fluid Levels: The amount of fluid around the baby can offer clues about overall well-being and help detect any potential complications.
  • Position of the Baby: Knowing whether the baby is head-down or breech can help plan for the later stages of pregnancy.
  • Placental Function: The health of the placenta is vital for the baby’s growth. A growth scan can assess how well the placenta is functioning, ensuring that the baby is receiving enough nutrients.

Why Are Growth Scans Important?

Not all babies grow at the same rate, and a growth scan helps monitor whether your baby is developing as expected. There are several reasons why a growth scan may be recommended:

  • Suspected Small or Large Baby: If your bump measures smaller or larger than expected, a growth scan can confirm if your baby’s size is within a normal range.
  • Maternal Health Conditions: Conditions like gestational diabetes or high blood pressure can affect a baby’s growth. Growth scans help ensure the baby is growing properly despite these challenges.
  • Concerns about Placental Function: In some cases, the placenta may not be delivering sufficient nutrients to the baby, leading to restricted growth. A growth scan can detect these issues early on.
  • Previous Pregnancy Complications: If there was a history of complications such as a small-for-gestational-age baby or pre-eclampsia in a previous pregnancy, additional growth scans may be advised.

The benefits of a private pregnancy scan

  • Flexibility: If you would like more frequent scans or reassurance scans in between the NHS appointments, private clinics, like Fusion Healthcare, offer these services. You can often book them at short notice, with some clinics offering same-day appointments.
  • Detect potential complications: Growth scans can detect potential complications early on when parents may not have yet had a scheduled NHS pregnancy scan.

What to expect during a private pregnancy scan

Whether you’re having a reassurance or growth scan, the process is straightforward and non-invasive. Here’s what typically happens:

  • Preparation: For early pregnancy scans, you may be asked to drink water beforehand to fill your bladder, making the ultrasound images clearer. For later pregnancy scans, this is usually not necessary.
  • The Scan: You’ll lie down, and a gel will be applied to your abdomen to help transmit the ultrasound waves. The sonographer will use a probe to capture images of your baby.
  • Viewing the Baby: You’ll be able to see your baby on the screen, and the sonographer will point out key details such as the baby’s heartbeat, movements, and growth measurements.
  • Duration: Most scans last between 10 to 30 minutes, depending on what needs to be checked.
  • Results: After the scan, you’ll receive a detailed report, which will outline your baby’s measurements and development. If anything unusual is detected, your healthcare provider will guide you on the next steps.

Reassurance and growth scans offer expecting parents in the UK an invaluable sense of comfort and insight throughout pregnancy. Whether arranged through the NHS or privately, these scans provide reassurance when you need it most, ensuring that your baby is progressing healthily and addressing any concerns early on.

While it’s easy to get caught up in worry, especially during the waiting periods between routine scans, having the option to check in on your baby through additional ultrasounds can make all the difference. They not only help to ensure that everything is on track but also allow parents to bond with their baby during the pregnancy.

If you’re feeling anxious or simply want to track your baby’s growth more closely, find out the gender of the baby, or just want to see your baby some more, booking a reassurance or growth scan could be the perfect way to bring peace of mind to your pregnancy journey.

Visit the Fusion Healthcare website for more information on available Private ultrasound scans.


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